Tubal cunnulation

What is Tubal Cannulation Procedure

We are in a generation where many women are being diagnosed with infertility due to various reasons such as lifestyle changes. But no need to worry as science and medicine has evolved so much that various treatments are available to alter your conditions.  If you are trying to get pregnant but finding it hard then you might want to get yourself checked for tubal blockage which is causing infertility.


Tubal cannulation is a procedure used to help clear blockages in a woman’s fallopian tubes.  This procedure is performed under hysteroscopic guidance through which the doctor can see inside the womb through a fine telescope called Hysteroscope which is introduced through the neck of the womb.


Tubal Flushing

Women who are having difficulty getting pregnant may be asked to have their ‘tubes flushed’, a procedure which uses dye to show whether the fallopian tubes are blocked. Usually, eggs produced by the ovaries pass down a fine and narrow tube called fallopian tubes to reach the womb where it implants. The fallopian tubes are where the egg and sperm meet and where fertilization normally occurs.


For women whose fallopian tubes are completely blocked cannot become pregnant naturally and will require IVF to conceive. If fallopian tubes are partially blocked, then there are chances of getting pregnant after tubal cannulation treatment.


Tubal Cannulation success rates

About 12-30% of infertile women experience tubal diseases and among these, tubal blockage dominates a large proportion. Most of them will choose non-surgical procedures like tubal cannulation instead of more invasive surgeries. In case of blocked tubes in the ned of the uterus, the success rates are very high at 80% but if the blockage is at the end of the tube then its only 30 to 50%. Success rate depends on many other factors as well such as patient’s health condition, well-trained doctor, the severity of the problem, etc.


Tubal cannulation procedure may not be suitable for patients with the following conditions;

  • Previous fallopian tube surgery
  • Extensive scarring in fallopian tubes
  • Major damage to fallopian tubes
  • Genital tuberculosis and other infections
  • Severe blockage which makes it difficult for a catheter to pass through
  • Distal blockage which happens in an area of the fallopian tube which is farthest from the uterus



The Mira Hospital providing complete healthcare solution to adolescent, infertile patient, pregnancy, gynecological disease, contraception, postmenopausal problame, with emotional, ethical and most advanced technical support.

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