Septal resection


A uterine septul is a form of a congenital malformation where the uterine cavity is partitioned by a longitudinal septum; the outside of the uterus has a normal typical shape. The wedge-like partition may involve only the superior part of the cavity resulting in an incomplete septum or a subseptate uterus, or less frequently the total length of the cavity (complete septum) and the cervix resulting in a double cervix. The septation may also continue caudally into the vagina resulting in a "double vagina".


Signs and symptoms

The condition may not be known to the affected individual and not result in any reproductive problems; thus normal pregnancies may occur. However, it is associated with a higher risk for miscarriage, premature birth, and malpresentation. According to the classical study by Buttram there is a 60% risk of a spontaneous abortion, this being more common in the second than in the first trimester. However, there is no agreement on this number and other studies show a lower risk. Woelfer found that the miscarriage risk is more pronounced in the first trimester.


The condition is also associated with abnormalities of the renal system. Further, skeletal abnormalities have been linked to the condition.



The uterus is formed during embryogenesis by the fusion of the two Müllerian ducts. During this fusion a resorption process eliminates the partition between the two ducts to create a single cavity. This process begins caudally and advances cranially, thus a complete septum formation represents an earlier disturbance of this absorption than the incomplete form. Causes for incomplete absorption are not known.



A pelvic examination may reveal a double vagina or double cervix that should be further investigated and may lead to the discovery of a uterine septum. In most patients, however, the pelvic examination is normal. Investigations are usually prompted on the basis of reproductive problems.


Helpful techniques to investigate a septum are transvaginal ultrasonography and sonohysterography, MRI, and hysteroscopy. More recently 3-D ultrasonography has been advocated as an excellent non-invasive method to delineate the condition. Prior to modern imaging hysterosalpingography was used to help diagnose the uterine septum, however, a bicornuate uterus may deliver a similar image. An important category of septate uterus is the hybrid type a variant that may be misdiagnosed as bicornuate uterus when seen by laparoscopy Professor El Saman From Egypt was the first to describe this anomaly and warned gynecologist about this common misdiagnosis, whenever there is a uterine fundus depression on laparoscopy gynecologists should compare the depth of this depression with the depth of the dividing internal interface. Hybrid septate uterus benefit from hysteroscopic metroplasty under laparoscopic control.

Differential diagnosis

Other forms of uterine malformation need to be considered in the work-up for uterine septum. An arcuate uterus contains a residual cranial septum that is smaller than an incomplete septum but definitions between the two conditions are not standardized, - a cause for discrepancies in the literature.


A bicornuate uterus is sometimes confused with a septate uterus as in each situation the cavity is partitioned, however, in the former case the uterine body is cranially doubled (two uterine horns) while in the latter a single uterine body is present. The former represents a malformation of incomplete fusion of the Müllerian systems, and the latter of incomplete absorption. A hysterosalpingogram may not be able to distinguish between the two conditions. The differentiation, however, is important as a septum can be corrected by hysteroscopy, while a bicornuate uterus would be corrected by a metroplasty via laparotomy if necessary.




The hysteroscope is inserted into the endometrial cavity after dilation of the cervix. The LEEP device is inserted down the operative channel of the hysteroscope. The endometrial cavity is expanded with 5% dextrose and Ringer's solution. The LEEP electrocoagulation machine is set on a blend between cutting and coagulation current. The hysteroscope is advanced up the uterus along the septum. The LEEP device is aimed at the fundus, where the uterine septum and endometrial tissue join. The internal os of the Fallopian tubes must be identified, and the electrical incision must be kept medial to the os of the tubes. By progressively coagulating and cutting the base of the septum with the LEEP device, the surgeon is able to resect and remove the entire septum.


The base of the septum has been electrocoagulated thoroughly to prevent bleeding.

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